Mighty Line Minute with Dave Tabar - Talking Safety, EHS, NFPA, OSHA, Innovation & Warehouse Safety

Warehouse Safety By Design - Pt 1 Intro

Mighty Line Safety Floor Tape Season 2 Episode 1

Dave describes the three first considerations for warehouse design, safety and construction: Product and business demand, transportation and logistics, and own vs. lease vs. 3rd party distribution. In this brief, opening podcast, Dave hints at the  content of the upcoming series entitled "Warehouse Safety By Design."

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Welcome folks to the New Year, and also to Series 2 on Mighty Line Minute! 

We look forward to having you in an interesting series ahead, which is going to involve "Safety in Warehouse Design." We'll be covering some of my experience over 35 years involving warehouse design and construction. And hopefully those lessons learned will be something that we can all take advantage of. 

One of the first things is "Demand." What is the demand for our operation? What is the demand for the product? And is it a product that we expect will be used or needed in the future? I've seen situations where warehouses have been designed for certain products or certain customers, only to find later that those customers or products are no longer there. That's a risk. On the other hand, if you don't grow and design for growth, you will be in greater trouble. 

There's also the issue of transportation logistics, transportation modeling. And assuring that we're selecting a location that's appropriate for the business, and the future business, and not simply a location where we'd rather be, or we'd rather travel to ourselves. 

And then finally, there's the issue of whether we're going to own that building, lease it, or do some unique leaseback arrangement. Those aren't just the three things that you need to pay attention to, but they're the beginning of this series. 

So you want to be careful with what you do in warehouse design and construction. And more specifically, what we do with our operations to analyze the business and look forward to our future needs in both safety and design. I'll look forward to talking to you more. 

Meanwhile, stop in at MightyLineTape.com and learn how we can help you in terms of safety in your operations, whether it be warehousing, industry or commercial use. Take care. And I look forward to seeing you in the next series. 

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